EMA October Newsletter


EMA Talks: Digestible Science

We hope you all are staying safe in these uncertain times. With the launch of the Environmental Media Network in April 2020, we have generated over one million views and over two million impressions on social media in the past six months. 

EMA Talks have been tremendously successful in amplifying environmental messaging about a diverse array of topics such as "Climate Change and COVID-19""Racism as a Public Health Crisis""Mental Health and Environmental Justice", and much more. Our network of Celebrity Ambassadors, including several Board Members, pair up with experts in the scientific community for educational and engaging conversations.

Stay up-to-date by following our social media and subscribing to our YouTube channel. We want to thank Harvard Chan C-ChangeOur Gorongosaand Theaster Gates for collaborating with EMN over the summer. 

Click below to watch our recent videos!



EMA Fourth Quarter Board Meeting

Our Fourth Quarter Board Meeting for 2020 was held over Zoom on October 6th. Although we were not all together in-person, we were more than ecstatic to see everyone engaging together on screen.

We discussed innovative methods to further our EMA Talks, EMA IMPACT Summit, Environmental Justice, EMA's role in broadcasting, and more. We are incredibly proud and grateful for how passionate and determined our Board Members are.



Social Sundays Are Back!

With significant elections approaching this November, the EMA community has resumed its Social Sundays. We strive to increase voter participation by sharing all-things voting: registering to vote, making a voting plan, knowing what's on your ballot, and more. Click the images below to share!

Our mission is to provide a unified voice for our planet through entertainment, storytelling, and education.


With the holidays approaching and most shopping done online nowadays, AmazonSmile is tremendously helpful in funding EMA.

Click here for AmazonSmile and then search Environmental Media Association from its list of organizations. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate to EMA, which will help fund our ongoing programs.
