EMA Spotlight: Our Youth for the Climate

Younger generations are the ones who will be the most affected by climate change. But how can they take action without having basic knowledge? 

Education is crucial in our fight against the climate crisis. It empowers, engages, and encourages people to demand systemic change and a more sustainable future. 

Our Youth for the Climate’s (OY4C) mission is exactly this. We offer high-quality, accessible and free climate education. We are a global youth and grassroots organization founded in August 2021 by Ava Langridge, an 18-year-old climate activist leading millions to use their voices.  

OY4C is an inclusive, intersectional, and supportive community, and we focus on spreading awareness. We do this with the help of social media because of its incredible accessibility (OY4C Instagram OY4C TikTok). We also offer free weekly online classes and various other resources on our website. Our Youth 4 The Climate has collaborated with other organizations to reach various demographics. In working with a range of groups, we are demonstrating the value of intersectionality. For example, in our collaboration with Feel Good Action, we reminded the youth of the importance of using their voice to vote, that their demands need to be heard, and that their actions do, in fact, matter.  

While we are primarily online, our OY4CCommunities, global OY4C branches, focus on local problems. Anyone can find them. OY4CCommunities aims to develop environmental awareness in communities and support them in their in-person actions. There are 28 OY4C communities, and we are on the path to establishing more. (e.g. OY4C San DiegoOY4C MilanOY4C UgandaOY4C India, etc). If you want to make a difference in your community, consider creating an OY4CCommunity.

In June 2022, we hosted our first Global Day of Action. OY4CCommunities participated in direct-impact actions to benefit their community. For example, OY4C San Francisco Bay Area did a beach clean-up, and OY4C Costa Rica hosted a climate talk.

Our current and latest project is our OY4CCurriculum, a free program that will be implemented in schools all around the world. It aims to give younger generations the educational support they need in order to tackle the climate crisis. More info to come…

Our Youth for the Climate combines individual change and global impact. Together, we make a difference, and are the change needed for our future. If you are interested in becoming a part of the OY4C Team, consider applying to our many open roles

Want to demonstrate your commitment to fighting the climate crisis? 

Take the OY4C Pledge now (1 minute)!


Be the change for our future, 

The OY4C Team

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